SimpleTelly DNS Test On Windows
Some Internet service providers (ISP) uses transparent proxies and filtering system that may interfere with services such as ours and other smart DNS providers. This is usually common at the following locations or Networks.
- Public WiFi
- Satellite Internet
- 3G/4G (Mobile Data)
- Hotel Network
To confirm on these restrictions, you will first need to follow SimpleTelly setup instructions for Windows system. Once you've set up our service, please proceed to the steps below:
Important: Please ensure that our DNS addresses has been entered in your WiFi settings and you've registered your IP address on our website as per the setup instructions.
Note: These instructions are created based on a Windows 10 system. There might be a slight different way of accessing Windows' command prompt. If you get stuck, please contact us via at the links bottom of this article.
At the Command Prompt box, type in the following command below and hit on enter (return) at your keyboard.
nslookup -query=txt
Now, you will get some logs in the Command Prompt box.
Please send us the result by copying the log content into an email or open a support ticket using the online form so that we can analyse further to see whether your network is compatible with our service or not.
Note: If you're having problems copying, please take a screenshot of the Command Prompt box and send it to us.