(Legacy) Change App Store / iTunes account region
Please note that the instructions on this page no longer work on Apple devices.
Please visit the link below to change your iTunes account region:
How to change App Store / iTunes account region
If you wish to download region restricted apps such as Hulu (USA) or BBC iPlayer (UK), you will need to change your App Store / iTunes account region to reflect your intended location.
You can either create a new account with them or if you wish to make the changes on your current account, please follow the steps below:
1- Access the AppStore
2- Tap on the Featured tab.
3 - Scroll down until you see Apple ID: (your email) and click on it
4 - Select View Apple ID
5 - Click on Country/Region
6 - Then, choose Change Country or Region
7 - Select USA from the country/region selection menu
8 - Once you've chosen USA, click on Next
9 - Read through the agreement outlined and then click on Agree
10 - If you have a credit card you’d like to use in the US AppStore, please enter the necessary details in the following screen. Otherwise, if you don’t have or don't want to link your card, simply select None.
11 - In the postcode field, please enter a USA postcode ie. 90210
12 - After making sure the details entered is correct, click on Next
13 - Your App Store account will now be set to USA and you should be able to search and download the restricted apps such as Hulu, ABC etc.
Note: The instructions is for changing to the USA iTunes / App Store, but it should work for the UK one as well.
If you have any problems, please email us at support@simpletelly.com , and try to include any errors and a full description of the fault.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible to assist you.