How to configure SimpleTelly on your Linux via command line

Login to our website, from your computer and take note of the fastest DNS server address that appears on screen.

Go to your Terminal and type in sudo bash . This will give you super user privilege.

Once you have the super user (administrator) access, type in the command below to back up your network configuration file.

cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.orig

Next, type in the command below to remove the resolv.conf file.

rm /etc/resolv.conf

Now, type in the command below one at a time.

Note: You will need to enter the DNS server addresses that appeared on your browser earlier. In this example, my fastest DNS server addresses are and

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

Finally, type in the command below.

cat /etc/resolv.conf

If the set up was successful , it will display the DNS that you've specified earlier:

Once you have done that, go back to your account page and click on Check My Setup.

If this is the first computer you have setup from this location, you will probably need to register your current IP address. Click on Register your new IP address.

You will get Everything's OK! message on your screen if your IP has been registered successfully in our system.

If you have any problems, please email us at , and try to include any errors and a full description of the fault.

We'll get back to you as soon as possible to assist you.

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