How to set DNS on Amazon FireTV

This article will guide you through the setup process on Amazon FireTV.

Note: You can refer to our pictorial instructions for both Amazon FireTV and FireTV Stick here.

1) Please Login to our website, from your computer and take note of the fastest DNS server address that appears on screen.

2) Click on Check My Setup and register your IP address.

3) Take note of your IP Address and the Gateway (i.e your router IP address). 

To find this, head over to Device > About and select Network.

4) Head back to the Settings page and select System

5a) If you are connected via cable (WIRED)

    • Select Network > Configure Network
    • Enter a Valid IP address to be used for this device. This has to correspond to the same subnet as your gateway IP address that you took note of earlier.
    • i.e Default Gateway (Router IP address) :
    • Device IP address : 192.168.1.X where X is an unused number between 2 - 253
    • Set Prefix Length to 24
    • Click on Next and now set the Gateway to the default gateway (router IP address) that you took note of earlier.
    • Click on Next.
    • Now, set the DNS 1 & 2 fields with the addresses that you got from our website.


5b) If you are connected WIRELESSLY;

    • Select Wi-Fi > Highlight your connected Wi-Fi Network
    • Forget the settings of the network by pressing the Option button (3 lines) that can be found on your remote.
    • Now set up the Wi-Fi connection again by selecting your network.
    • Enter your Wi-Fi password and click on Advanced
    • Enter a Valid IP address to be used for this device. This has to correspond to the same subnet as your gateway IP address that you took note of earlier.
    • i.e Default Gateway (Router IP address) :
    • Device IP address : 192.168.1.X where X is an unused number between 2 - 253
    • Click on Next and now set the Gateway to the default gateway (router IP address) that you took note of earlier.
    • Click on Next and Set the Prefix Length to 24
    • Click on Next again and set the DNS 1 & 2 fields with the addresses that you got from our website.


6) Now that you have setup and registered your system you can go ahead and access the TV site of your choice and stream it like you mean it!

If you would like any further assistance, please send us an email to and we will do our best to assist you.

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