Changing timezone on an Apple Mac OS X

Certain sites that have live events require your device's clock to be synchronised with the country it is situated in.

For example, to access LIVE streaming in BBC ONE, you will need to change your timezone ie time & date settings to match that of the UK.

To do this on a Mac OS X computer, please follow the steps below:

1) Click on the system clock icon at the top right corner of your Mac.

2) Select Open Date & Time Preference

3) Now click on the Timezone tab

4) You might need to click on the lock icon to make changes on this window. If so, please click on that and enter your Admin credentials and login.

5) You should now be able to set the timezone to the one that you desire.

6) Click on the lock icon again to lock the changes and exit the menu.

Alternatively, you can access the above menu simply by selecting the Apple logo at the top left corner of your screen, and select System Preferences > Date & Time

If you still have problems, please email us at , and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to assist you.

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